Sunday, May 1, 2011

Apartment living

One of the things I love doing most in the spring and summer is gardening, especially growing fruits and vegetables. I tried growing herbs in my DC kitchen but never had any luck....not enough sun + too much water = dead plants. Guess I didn't take into consideration the fact that the plants were in pots and therefore didn't require as much water as if they were in a flower bed. Oops! Anyways, finally I have a beautiful balcony on my apartment with lots of great sunshine and space, so I'm back to being a gardener. Of course, I still have potted plants but this time I bought a water gauge so I don't over water :)

My garden this year consists of parsley, basil, cilantro, Roma tomatoes, cheery tomatoes, green pepper, sweet orange pepper (currently still being grown in a mini greenhouse inside until it starts sprouting), and 4 strawberry plants. I had so much fun at the greenhouse this weekend looking at all the plants, but always-thinking-Sam reminded me I didn't have an actual garden, so I better stay away from the raspberry plant that grows 3 feet wide and 4 feet tall :) Sill, it's going to be a yummy summer!

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