Banana Slug ~ largest land mollusk in North America

Our California trip is winding down but before we head back to Ohio, we really wanted to see the giant Redwood trees, so we spent a couple hours in Muir Woods. It was quite spectacular! A slight mist in the air and sun trying to peek through the giant trees made for some awesome photographing and peaceful stroll on the boardwalk. The only trails open today were the boardwalk ones due to the amount of rain they have had. Otherwise, there looked to be some neat hiking ones off in various directions. Maybe next trip :)
I inherited knobby toes, so from all this walking, I now have a blister on the bottom of each toe! Ha! Thanks mom! My feet are thoroughly worn out, so the plane ride back tomorrow night might not be so bad, as long as I don't have to run through the airport....then we might have a problem! Tomorrow is our last day in California and we leave on the red-eye flight. Hopefully I can make one final post of our adventure tomorrow before we board the plane.
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